ONE DAY Field Visit to Atal Incubation Centre-Pondicherry
REPORT – ONE DAY Field Visit to Atal Incubation Centre-Pondicherry Engineering College Foundation(AIC-PECF), Puducherry
A “One Day Field Visit to AtalIncubation Centre -PECF” was organized by Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) of DhanalakshmiSrinivasan University,Samayapuram, Trichy – 621 112 on 26.11.22 (Saturday).The participants are from Second year and First year of School of Engineering and Technology who have won Hackathon competition held in our University.
The Field Visit started from our University at 5.30 am and reached AIC-PECF at 11.30 am. In the Centre, Mr. V. Vishnu Varadhan handled the session for our students by delivering basic ideas aboutInnovation and Start-up concepts. He explained about various funding and schemes available forstudent innovators and Entrepreneurs.
Students visited the 3 D Printer which was located in Incubation Centre and explained about various Start-Up projects like Drone Technology, E-Vehicle, Water Pressure Sensor and Sensor for checking level of Saline bottle.
They have explained about the methods they are following for rectifying the minor problems faced by the Companies like TVS. In rural areas they are providing one Electronic Kit to the kids and train them to get the basic knowledge about the Electronic devices with the help of that kit as a Start-up.
Mr. V. Vishnu Varadhan motivated the students to participate in hackathons or direct application to get into Incubation Centre. Students also asked questions related to Start-Ups, Internships, and the way of submitting their ideas to the centre.