"World Malaria Day" Guest Lecture held on 06.05.2023 by Dept of Microbiology, SMCH
In commemoration of "World Malaria Day". The Department of Microbiology, SMCH, Trichy organized a guest lecture on May 06th 2023 after getting formal approval from Dean. The program has been awarded with one credit hour by Tamil Nadu Medical Council.
The program was arranged in lecture hall -1, Third Floor, Academic Block, from 9.00 am to 02 p.m. on 06.05.2023 at SMCH.
Guest Speakers:
Malaria –Epidemiology, prevention, control and Elimination strategy
Mrs. Latha Freeda Joan, M.Sc, DPHE, Regional Entomologist, Zonal Entomological Team, Trichy
Management of severe complicated Malaria
Dr.G.Vazhavandal, M.D, Professor of Microbiology, Srinivasan Medical College and Hospital , Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan University, Samayapuram , Trichy.
Participants of the program:
- HODs and faculty, Senior residents and Junior residents from various pre, paraclinical and clinical departments (40 nos).
- MBBS (137) & B.Sc. MLT students (20 nos)
- The total number of participants was 197.
Regarding programme:
The program started sharply around 09.00 am with the Physician prayer. Dr. S.Radhakumari, Professor and HOD of Microbiology welcomed the gathering.
Dr.S.Tamilarasi, The Dean I/C, SMCH, delivered inaugural address and honored the guest speaker. Dr.G.Vazhavandal, Prof of Microbiology felicitated the gathering and Dr.M.Dhivya, Assistant Professor, introduced the guest speaker.
The first speaker, Mrs. Latha Freeda Joan has started with theme for this year “World Malaria Day” “TIME TO DELIVER ZERO MALARIA- INVEST INNOVATE IMPLEMENT”. She touched upon the historical background of malaria, global burden, Indian magnitude, epidemic triangle – agent, host and vector.
She briefly explained about the life cycle of malarial parasites involving human and mosquitoes and the various stages of parasites with clear pictures. She highlighted the laboratory methods for the diagnosis and also the importance of thick and thin smear, JSB staining. She clearly explained, how to declare the results (Species, stage of parasite with density. eg: PV (tg)++)
She also enlighten the host factors, vectorial factors and the climatic factors influencing the malaria, a Vector Borne Disease. She has described in detail about the distribution of malaria vectors in India-Morphology, life cycle, breeding habitat of Anopheles mosquitoes.
She elaborated in detail about the National Vector Borne Disease Control Program (NVBDCP) -goals and objectives, components of the program, Malaria Control Strategies during different Phases of the Program, strengthening surveillance, prevention and control of malaria.
Dean honored the guest speaker with Shawl, Mementos and Participation certificate.
The 2nd speaker, Dr.G.Vazhavandal mentioned that In India, both adults and children are affected by severe malaria, invariably caused by P. falciparum. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment will reduce the mortality due to malaria. Cerebral malaria should always be suspected in a patient with altered sensorium in a malaria–endemic area. Children are more prone for developing anaemia and convulsions as manifestations of severe malaria, while acute renal failure and jaundice are more common among adults.
She also highlighted that Pregnant women with severe malaria in any trimester can be treated with artemisinin derivatives, which, in contrast to quinine, do not risk aggravating hypoglycaemia. · The parenteral treatment should be given for minimum of 48 hours · Once the patient can take oral therapy, give: · Quinine 10 mg/kg three times a day with doxycycline 100 mg once a day or clindamycin in pregnant women and children under 8 years of age, to complete 7 days of treatment, in patients started on parenteral quinine.
Vote of thanks:
The guest lecture on “World Malaria Day” came to an end with vote of thanks given by Dr.Jahappriya, Assistant Professor of Microbiology.
She whole heartedly thanked the Management, Dean, HOD, Speaker and faculty members from various departments.
The program came to an end by playing National Anthm.
Organizing Secretary Professor and HOD
(Dr.G.Vazhavandal ) (Dr.S.Radhakumari)