Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan University | Samayapuram, Tiruchirappalli - 621 112
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Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan


(Established Under The Tamil Nadu Private Universities Act, 2019)

Tiruchirappalli - 621 112. Tamil Nadu, India.

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DSU, Anti-Ragging


Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan University is committed to providing a safe and inclusive learning environment for all its students. As part of this commitment, the university strictly adheres to the anti-ragging regulations set forth by the Government of India. Ragging, in any form, is strictly prohibited on our campus, and we prioritize the well-being of our students to ensure a positive and nurturing educational experience.

Ragging - An offence:

Extract of Tamil Nadu Government Gazette - Extra ordinary dt.29.01.97 (Bill No.8 of 1997 Tamil Nadu Prohibition of RaggingACT)

  • In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, "Ragging" means display of noisy, disorderly conduct, doing any act which causes or is likely to cause physical or psychological harm or raises apprehension or fear or shame or embarrassment to a student in any educational Institution andincludes:
  • Teasing, abusing or playing practical jokes on or causing hurt to such student or Asking the student to so any act or perform something which such student will not, in the ordinary course willingly act or perform. Ragging within or outsideany educational institution isprohibited.
  • Whoever directly or indirectly commits, participates in, abets or propagates "Ragging" within or outside any educational institution, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years and shall also be liable to fine which may extend to ten thousand rupees.
  • Any student convicted of an office under section 4 shall also be dismissed from the educational institution and such students shall not be admitted in any other educational institution.
  • Without prejudice to the foregoing provision, whenever any student complains of ragging to the head of an educational institution, or to any other person responsible for the management of the educational institution, they shall inquire into the same immediately and if found true shall suspend the student who has committed the offence from the educational institution.
  • The Deans of concerned School will have full powers to punish any student who violates the rules by imposing a fine, suspension or expulsion. Dean's decision is final and he need not assign any reason or explanation for the punishment awarded.
  • These rules will be altered or amended, and further rules may be added if necessary. All the rules for the time being in force should be observed by the students.

Anti-Ragging Policy:

Our university follows a comprehensive Anti-Ragging Policy aligns with the guidelines provided by the University Grants Commission (UGC) and is designed to create awareness, prevent incidents of ragging, and take prompt and strict action against those found guilty of ragging. Each school under the University has an anti-ragging committee headed by the Dean of the respective school.

Key Highlights of Our Anti-Ragging Policy:

  • Awareness Programs: We conduct regular awareness programs for both new and existing students to educate them about the harmful consequences of ragging. These programs emphasize the importance of fostering a culture of respect and empathy.
  • Orientation Sessions: During orientation sessions, incoming students are briefed about the university's commitment to maintaining a ragging-free campus. They are informed about the procedures for reporting any incidents and the support mechanisms available to them.
  • Student Pledges: All students, upon admission, are required to sign an anti-ragging pledge, reaffirming their commitment to promoting a safe and inclusive campus culture. This pledge is prominently displayed across campus to serve as a constant reminder.
  • Helpline Services: A dedicated helpline is available round the clock for students to report any instances of ragging or seek assistance. The university ensures confidentiality and takes immediate action upon receiving any complaint.
  • Disciplinary Measures: Stringent disciplinary measures are in place for those found guilty of ragging, including suspension, expulsion, and legal action as per the severity of the offense. This sends a strong message that ragging will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
  • Disciplinary Measures: Counseling Support: Victims of ragging are provided with counseling support to help them cope with the emotional and psychological impact. Additionally, counseling is extended to the accused to address the root causes of their behavior and promote behavioral change.

At Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan University we believe in fostering a nurturing environment that enables students to thrive academically, personally, and socially. Our commitment to anti-ragging measures is a reflection of our dedication to creating a campus culture that values respect, diversity, and the well-being of every individual. Together, as a community, we strive to ensure that every student feels safe, supported, and empowered to achieve their full potential.

For more information visit:


DSU, Anti-Ragging Committee

S. No Name Designation Contact No E-mail
Dr. C.K. Ranjan Vice - Chancellor and Chairperson (ARC) 6384176400 vicechancellor@dsuniversity.ac.in
Dr. Pathma J Associate Dean, Students' Affairs, Vice-chariperson (ARC) 9363471916 studentswelfare@dsuniversity.ac.in
Dr. A. Thulasi Dean, Srinivasan Medical College and Hospital - Member (ARC) 9842450942 dean.smch@dsuniversity.ac.in
Dr. K. Chozhan Dean, School of Agricultural Sciences - Member (ARC) 9791914473 dean.agri@dsuniversity.ac.in
Dr. Sanjay Singh Dean, School of Engineering and Technology - Member (ARC) 9042967232 dean.engg@dsuniversity.ac.in
Dr. Ramesh Dean, School of Physiotheraphy - Member (ARC) 9448464480 dean.physiotherapy@dsuniversity.ac.in
Dr. S. Akilandeswari Dean, School of Pharmacy - Member (ARC) 6381291897 dean.pharmacy@dsuniversity.ac.in
Prof. A. Pechiammal Dean, College of Nursing - Member (ARC) 7904153418 dean.paramedical@dsuniversity.ac.in
Dr. K. Rekha Associate Dean, School of Allied Health Sciences - Member (ARC) 9363471914 associatedean.ahs@dsuniversity.ac.in
Dr. U. VijayShankar Dean (i/c) School of law - Member (ARC) 9977546362 vijayashankaru.law@dsuniversity.ac.in
Ar. S. Sathya Vishnu Karthick Dean , School of Architecture - Member (ARC) 9842433499 dean.arch@dsuniversity.ac.in
Ms. M. Divya RI, Mannachanallur - Representative of Civil Administration - Member (ARC) 8870876499 divyavarshu@gmail.com
Mr. M. Rajkumar SI, Samayapuram Police Station, Representative of Police Administration - Member (ARC) 9498156925 traj04185@gmail.com
Mr. R. Marimuthu Media Executive, Dinamalar, Trichy - Representative of Local Media - Member (ARC) 8248927601 muthudmr@gmail.com
Mr. Vijayakumar Managing Trustee, Amritham Social Service Trust, Representative of NGO involved in youth activities Member (ARC) 9842412247 amirtham24x7@gmail.com
Mr. S. Stephen Kennedy Parent member of ARC (F/O S. Evangelin Hetcy); II B.Sc (Hons) Agriculture; Roll No: 1621011050; No.1 Tolgate. Trichy - Member (ARC) 8973077115 stephenkennedy9170@gmail.com
Mr. Ajay Varsan III year AIDS, School of Engineering & Technology, Reg.No. 1521051004, Representative of Students (Senior Category) - Member (ARC) 9345336503 ajayvarsan2@gmail.com
Ms. T.K. Divya Dharshini I year MBBS, Reg No. 1123011029, Srinivasan Medical College and Hospital, Representative of Students (Freshers Category) - Member (ARC) 8148060706 dhivitg@gmail.com
Mrs. S. Chitrakala Attender, School of Agricultural Sciences, Representative of Non-Teaching Staff - Member (ARC) 6380331910 chitrakalas@dsuniversity.ac.in

National Anti-Ragging Helpline
24x7 Toll Free
helpline@antiragging.in | www.antiragging.in

University Anti-Ragging Squad

S. No Name Designation Contact No E-mail
Dr. A. Perumal Professor, Srinivasan Medical College and Hospital 9965689258 perumal_sas@yahoo.com
Dr. B. Revathi Professor, School of Engineering & Technology 9677799962 revathib.set@dsuniversity.ac.in
Dr. R. Sathiya Shanthi Assistant Professor, School of Agricultural Sciences 8778340062 sathiyashanthi.agri@dsuniversity.ac.in
Mrs. R. Saratha Assistant Professor , School of Pharmacy 9443300794 sarathar.sopharm@dsuniversity.ac.in
Mr. Dinesh Assistant Professor, School of Allied Health Sciences 7708030584 dinesh@dsuniversity.ac.in
Dr. Tharmar Director, Physical Education. 7358432023 dsu.dpe@dsuniversity.ac.in

National Anti-Ragging Helpline
24x7 Toll Free
helpline@antiragging.in | www.antiragging.in

University Ant-Ragging Monitoring Cell

S. No Designation Faculty in-charge Mail Id
Chairperson Dr. E. Rameshkumar, Professor,
School of Engineering and Technology
Member Dr. M. Sathya, Associate Professor,
School of Allied Health Sciences
Member Dr. K. Magila, Assistant Professor,
Srinivasan Medical College and Hospital
Member Ms. V. Kavitha, Assistant Professor,
School of Pharmacy
Member Mr. C. Ajay, Assistant Professor,
School of Law

National Anti-Ragging Helpline
24x7 Toll Free
helpline@antiragging.in | www.antiragging.in